4 tips to better skin

Posted by Elissa B. Billings on Jan 12th 2020

Men, it's 2020. Let's stop pretending skin care isn't a top priority in hygiene. We've listed the top four tips for simple skincare and a healthy routine.

1. Cleanse twice daily (AM/PM). This removes excess dirt/ oil and build up and prevents clogged pores. If you exercise daily make it a point to cleanse after your gym session as well, leaving sweat to dry up leaves your skin prone to bacteria and acne.

2. Moisturize after cleansing- think of it as protecting your face. Moisturizer will help to nourish your skin and act as a barrier between your skin and toxins

3. Change your pillowcase regularly. Pillowcases catch all the sweat, dirt and grime that accumulate as you sleep. Think about all the bacteria harboring on your pillow and how happy your skin will be not laying on top of gunk. We recommend changing your pillowcase every four days, if every four days seems too much for you we suggest you change it once a week.

4. Stop shaving dry- this will cause friction between your skin and the blade. Shaving without a proper lather also requires multiple passes with the razor leading to increased chance of cuts, acne and ingrown hairs. Be sure to invest in a good razor- you want to feel a smooth pass as you shave, if you feel tearing/ pulling it's time to replace your blade.