What Most Don't See

What Most Don't See

Jan 16th 2020

Why are we still walking around with uncomfortable waist bands, ill fitting socks and bunched up undershirts? We’re over it and we know you are too. Below we’ve compiled a list of our favorite undergarments just for you. Let us know what you think

1. Tommy John Underwear- “Fabric, Fit and Function” isn’t just a catchy slogan for Tommy John, it’s a truth backed up by their products. Wearing Tommy John you know you’re going to be set for the day without fear of over exposure, bunching up or rubbing the wrong places. With their breathable, movable material you can rest assured you’ll be cool and comfortable no matter what the day brings you. Not to mention they thought of everything and included a contoured pouch to assure you won’t spend the day making adjustments.

Our personal favorite is Second Skin Square Cut. You can find them here, collections

2. Kane 11 Socks- Ever wonder why you’re buying a sock “One size fits all!” and ending up dissapointed with too big/ too small/ too long socks? Gone are the days you’re stuck trying on another pair of poorly fitted socks and throwing the pack into the corner of your drawer to sit for a decade. Kane 11 has you covered with 11 individual sizes waiting for you, yes- 11 INDIVIDUAL SIZES. You’ll never have to worry about finding your fit again.

click collections, add your size to cart and live your days with a little more pep in your step.

3. Nie Men’s Pro Slim Shirt- No chafing, no sweat bleeds, no bunching or rolling. I know, it sounds like you’ve heard it all before. We’re serious when we say not only have we heard it all before, we’ve TRIED it all before in search for the best of the best and this is it. The dry wick material assures you that even in a high stress meeting, gym session or wrestling with the littles in the floor you can lift your arms high without fear of sweat marks. The material is built to move with you, not against you and the slim tailor of the shirt gives you a boost of confidence that you’re wearing a shirt fit for you

We’ve made it easy for you, click nike to shop. We can’t guarantee they won’t be sold out when you get there, that’s how much we like this shirt.