Better Your Beard

Better Your Beard

Posted by Elissa B. Billings on Nov 4th 2019

The right beard for your face shape

Beard maintenance isn’t optional, if you’re going to participate in facial hair you must keep it healthy, groomed and well maintained! But in order to grow out your beard and maintain it you have to know what beard looks best on your face shape- we’ve put together some of the key factors of determining which will be best for you and your style.

For OVAL face shapes- you’ll want a beard square at the jaw, sharp lines on the cheeks and tapered up into the sideburns. You’re lucky to have a face with both round and square features so you don’t have to worry about balancing out your face with your beard, but you will want to keep it clean and maintained so you don’t lose the sharp features you have. Maintaining your beard in this way combines the weight of a full beard while giving you definition and a sharp finished look.

For RECTANGULAR face- you’ll want a beard fuller at the cheeks so don’t cut all of that growth off, this will give the illusion of a slightly wider jaw and drawing attention away from the length of your face. You don’t want to exaggerate the length of your face or beard. Allowing your facial hair to grow higher up on your cheeks will also help give the jaw a wider appearance.

For TRIANGULAR face- your chin is your most prominent feature. If your aim is to draw attention away from this you’ll want to start growing a fuller moist ache with a short (stubble) beard. This will draw eyes up instead if down. You’ll want to avoid anything to thick on your cheeks as this will essentially give you the impression of a wider jawline. Be sure to square it off at the bottom and keep your sideburns cleaned up.

For ROUNDED face- with a rounded face you will benefit by grooming your beard into a “triangle”. Shorter on the cheeks and longer towards the chin will be your most flattering look, avoiding turning your head and face into a sphere. You’ll learn to work with angles and this style is one of the easiest to maintain.

For HEART face- typically the heart shape is considered a “smaller” face shape so you don’t want to let your beard become overpowering of your bone structure. Instead of looking to add length and fullness to your entire beard, opt for a rugged stubble. This will give you a ready look without taking away your bone structure. In addition to the stubble, you’ll want to add more length in the chin and mustache adding depth and volume to your jawline.

For SQUARE face- you have a blessing and a curse. While most men would kill for a strong square jawline like yours you have to be careful when growing out your facial hair to not over exaggerate your features. For this face shape we recommend having your chin area rounded or triangular. When lengthening the chin with a goatee- style you’ll help soften thick, wide jawbones while keeping your chiseled features.

And don't forget the balm!